From Pine View Farm

Q. and A. 2

Duncan asks, in response to this post on TPM:

If members of Congress can’t get outraged when they’re lied to, I’m kinda starting to wonder why I should bother getting outraged on their behalf.

I think that no deed whatsoever that the Current Federal Administration does, no matter how venal, duplicitous, or deceptive, can surprise anyone any more.

Without surprise, it is difficult to muster outrage.

We’re just numb.

Elevated from the comments:

Tired of the countless lies, knowing for as long as they are there, it won’t change. No matter how low we go as a civilization, they can still go lower. No matter how bad what they do is, they can still do worse.

I would say tired.

No argument here.



  1. Karen

    December 15, 2008 at 3:33 pm

    Numb, or tired?

    Tired of the countless lies, knowing for as long as they are there, it won’t change. No matter how low we go as a civilization, they can still go lower. No matter how bad what they do is, they can still do worse.

    I would say tired.

  2. Frank

    December 15, 2008 at 5:34 pm

    I won’t argue with you. Probably it’s both.