From Pine View Farm

What If They Held an Election and No One Noticed? (Updated: The Results) 0

We shall know tomorrow.

We have a special election today. The woman who won the seat in Delaware’s lower house in November resigned to take a job out west somewhere. (The Republican Party did not even try to mount a campaign.)

Apparently, the job offer came along way too long after all the deadlines had passed for making any changes to the ballot.

There are approximately 1200 persons registered to vote at that polling place and approximately 17,000 voters in the representative district as a whole. In the November 4th election, approximately 9,000 persons voted (8,400+ for Obama) in the district, over 800 at that polling location.

I got to the polling place at about 12:15 p. m. My neighbor, who was working as one of the poll judges, said that fewer than 100 persons had voted so far that day.


Approximately a 6% turnout.

Kovach received 1,540, or 51.2 percent, of votes cast Saturday. Democrat Mike Migliore received 1,467, or 48.8 percent.


Both of them seem like fairly reasonable guys. Their platforms were very similar, which is as much a reflection of Upper Delaware as it is of anything else. The campaigns were about at invisible as a campaign for the House of Delegates could be.

Nobody rang my doorbell or left a doorknob hanger. Kavach seemed to do a better job of getting yard signs out early, which appears to have been the primary method of campaigning (by “appears to be,” I mean that they may have done some other stuff also, but not so anyone other than local party activistis would have noticed).



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