From Pine View Farm

2008 archive

Billions for Bankers, Not One Cent for Working People 0

And this surprises us how?

Banks that are getting taxpayer bailouts awarded their top executives nearly $1.6 billion in salaries, bonuses, and other benefits last year, an Associated Press analysis reveals.


The total amount given to nearly 600 executives would cover bailout costs for many of the 116 banks that have so far accepted tax dollars to boost their bottom lines.

If I did my arithmetic correctly, that works out to about $2,666,666.00 per incompetent empty suit.

So much for “pay for performance.”


Used Vehicles: Alternate Transportation Dept. 2

Get your space shuttle here.

Via GNC.


O’Reilly on NPR Science Friday. 0

No, not Bill.

Tim, the smart one.


Travelog: Big Easy Dept. 0

I’ve been to New Orleans.

It was quite a while ago.

We had a good time, but, even after all these years, I pretty much agree with this.


Fixing Internet Explorer 5

Bill Shein had nine helpful hints.


Television Hell 2

All my favorite cable reruns have been replaced by extremely stupid Christmas movies.

Not good Christmas movies.

Really stupid, vapid, mindless ones.


Bushonomics 0

Food Bank Hurting

Second Son is on his way to the show with a donation of canned goods.


Bah! Humbug! 2

A fool and his money . . . .


Fashion Craze 0

Bush leaves footprints on the clothing industry:

The shoe hurled at President George W. Bush has sent sales soaring at the Turkish maker as orders pour in from Iraq, the U.S. and Iran.

The brown, thick-soled “Model 271” may soon be renamed “The Bush Shoe” or “Bye-Bye Bush,” Ramazan Baydan, who owns the Istanbul-based producer Baydan Ayakkabicilik San. & Tic., said in a telephone interview today.

Via TPM.


I Can’t Get No . . . 0

. . . viagra.

Keith Richards is 65.


Billions for Banks, Not One Cent for Working People 0

Rich folks invest in hedge funds:

Hedge funds will be allowed to borrow from the Federal Reserve for the first time under a landmark $200bn programme intended to support consumer credit.

And the monied classes take care of their own.

Via the Booman Tribune.


What If They Held an Election and No One Noticed? (Updated: The Results) 0

We shall know tomorrow.

We have a special election today. The woman who won the seat in Delaware’s lower house in November resigned to take a job out west somewhere. (The Republican Party did not even try to mount a campaign.)

Apparently, the job offer came along way too long after all the deadlines had passed for making any changes to the ballot.

There are approximately 1200 persons registered to vote at that polling place and approximately 17,000 voters in the representative district as a whole. In the November 4th election, approximately 9,000 persons voted (8,400+ for Obama) in the district, over 800 at that polling location.

I got to the polling place at about 12:15 p. m. My neighbor, who was working as one of the poll judges, said that fewer than 100 persons had voted so far that day.


Approximately a 6% turnout.

Kovach received 1,540, or 51.2 percent, of votes cast Saturday. Democrat Mike Migliore received 1,467, or 48.8 percent.


Both of them seem like fairly reasonable guys. Their platforms were very similar, which is as much a reflection of Upper Delaware as it is of anything else. The campaigns were about at invisible as a campaign for the House of Delegates could be.

Nobody rang my doorbell or left a doorknob hanger. Kavach seemed to do a better job of getting yard signs out early, which appears to have been the primary method of campaigning (by “appears to be,” I mean that they may have done some other stuff also, but not so anyone other than local party activistis would have noticed).



Long Term Goals 0

TerranceDC speculates over at the Booman Tribune.


I Love Resale Stores 2

When I had to refurnish my house after getting divorced, I refurnished it from resale stores.

Hunting through resale stores is fun. One doesn’t know what kind of treasure is lurking in that pile of stuff leaning against the wall over there.

Hunting through Raymour and Flannigan is not fun.

Now, everyone else loves resale stores too.


Depressing, but True 0

What the Booman said.

Not a nice thought to wake up to, but, well, there it is.


Crime Rates 0

It’s the dumb ones who get caught.


Slow Learners 1

As H. L. Mencken pointed out, “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people” (emphasis added):

Americans who fled to small vehicles during $4-a-gallon gas are rushing back into the arms of sport-utility vehicles and light trucks, reversing a trend in which economy cars soared in popularity while consumers ditched brawny gas hounds.

Recent data and interviews with local dealers show more U.S. consumers have bought SUVs and pickups of late than any other new vehicle, thanks to the free-fall of crude-oil prices and must-sell discounts that would make even Santa Claus seem like a cheapskate.

Full disclosure: I have a light truck. I also have a 2500 pound trailer boat. I didn’t get the truck to make up for my sense of masculine inadequacy.


Understatement 0

Well, golly gosh gee, Batman.


Truth and Reconciliation 0

I’m listening to the podcast of yesterday’s Talk of the Nation, discussing Rick Warren.

Somebody called in and said that he really didn’t believe it when Mr. Obama said that he was against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, but against gay marriage, that it merely was something a politician would have to say just to get elected.

I must point out that, so far, Mr. Obama has given no indication of having lied about any of his beliefs “just to get elected.”

Kinda hard to deal with it, ain’t it.


Buy the Book 0

Will Bunch has a book. Buy it. Here.
