From Pine View Farm

2008 archive

Architecture 3

It’s not going to take a very big building to hold one copy of Incurious George.

Artist’s conception of the George W. Bush Presidential Library below the fold.

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Bushonomics: Santa Claus Dept. 0

Another wave, courtesy of the failed stewardship of the Republican Party:

Facing a drastic falloff in donations this year, the Philadelphia-area Toys for Tots campaign announced an “emergency toy rush” yesterday.

Contributions are down by nearly 20,000 toys compared with last year at this time, when about 40,000 toys had been collected, said Gunnery Sgt. Robert Putney, who leads the local effort for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve.


The Glorious and Patriotic War for a Lie (Updated) 0

Richard Blair sort of sums it up:

Many months ago, I wrote something like: “This is the military’s war. It isn’t America’s war.” (and the military’s families–ed.) George Bush never asked anyone, other than the troops and their families, to sacrifice anything in the pursuit of his (and Cheney and Exxon’s) war for oil. A few companies made billions on the war.

I guess the expense of hundreds of thousands of brown skinned people, half a planet away, was just the cost of Bush doing business. He has no regrets. Neither do most Americans.

As a nation, we have allowed our nation to sin.

Addendum, after Breakfast:

Brendan has more.

Read it.


Bushonomics: The Tsunami Effect 0

Read about Philadelphia having to close libraries because, well, no income, no business transactions, no real estate value, no taxes. No taxes, no services.

Republican Economic Theory: Taxes are evil, therfore, let us screw the people so we can have our Bentleys.

Oh. Wait.

No Bentleys in the Big House.

Disgusting, sleazy, selfish, disgusting excuse for a political philosophy.



Bonana Fana Fo Fana 0

The name game.


Fed Lowers Interest Rate to 0%-.5% 0


1.) The Fed has no interest rate moves left. This is it.

2.) The Fed is terrified about the economy.

Robert Reich, discussing the deflationary trend:

Rational consumers are starting to save whatever they can because they’re understandably worried about the future.

The sooner we have a major stimulus package, the better. The danger is that it will be too small.

Republican Economic Theory triumphant.


Undermining the Blagojevich Investigation 0

Republicans and their toadies seek to berate Mr. Obama into violating US District Attorney Fitzgerald’s request not to say anything yet. Emphasis on the yet.


The Rule of Law means nothing to this lot.


One Laptop per Child in Chester, Pa. 0

Linux laptops, at that:

Vahan Gureghian, chief executive officer of Charter School Management Inc., which runs the school, and his wife, Danielle Gureghian, are giving 1,400 XO computers to the school, for use by students in third to eighth grades. The Gureghians are paying about $400,000 for the laptops, said spokesman A. Bruce Crawley.

The school has about 2,400 students and is the largest non-cyber charter school in Pennsylvania.

Though the focus of the One Laptop project continues to be on sending laptops to developing countries, other American schools are trying them out as well.

In a related story, Ken Starks shares an example of too stupid for words and his follow-up in which he regrets his delivery, though not his message. (Aside: The moral of the story is that, when writing something in the heat of emotion, put it away for an hour or a day and look at it again before sending it. It was true in the days of snail mail and is even more true in the days of insta-mail.)

Both stories via TLLTS.


My Considerable and Irrelevant Opinion of Appointing Caroline Kennedy to the Senate 3

On the basis of what?


Bushonomics: Look Back in Sorrow Dept. 0

MarketWatch posts its list of the ten best and ten worst performing stocks of 2008.


Bushonomics 0

Housing stopped:

New starts dropped an eye-popping 18.9% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 625,000, the lowest since the Commerce Department began keeping records in 1959. According to similar records kept elsewhere, it’s the slowest pace of construction in the post-World War II period.

Starts were far lower than the 740,000 that economists surveyed by MarketWatch had been looking for. The monthly percentage drop was the most since a 26% decline in March 1984.


Duh 0


It’s cheaper to fill up your car’s gas tank now than it was a year ago, but Americans are logging fewer miles on the road than in recent years.

Yeah. They’re taking transit to the unemployment office.


Gift Idea 2

The gift that keeps on giving.

(Kelly Hagelauer) is also considering – except this might be excessive – giving him (her husband) “Yes, dear” coupons. During a disagreement, he can hand her one and she must say, “Yes, dear.”


Q. and A. 2

Duncan asks, in response to this post on TPM:

If members of Congress can’t get outraged when they’re lied to, I’m kinda starting to wonder why I should bother getting outraged on their behalf.

I think that no deed whatsoever that the Current Federal Administration does, no matter how venal, duplicitous, or deceptive, can surprise anyone any more.

Without surprise, it is difficult to muster outrage.

We’re just numb.

Elevated from the comments:

Tired of the countless lies, knowing for as long as they are there, it won’t change. No matter how low we go as a civilization, they can still go lower. No matter how bad what they do is, they can still do worse.

I would say tired.

No argument here.


Retrospecting 0

David Sirota sums it up.

Via Susie.


Don’t Do Evil? (Update) 0

Google betrays net neutrality:

Google Inc. has approached major cable and phone companies that carry Internet traffic with a proposal to create a fast lane for its own content, according to documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. Google has traditionally been one of the loudest advocates of equal network access for all content providers.

At risk is a principle known as network neutrality: Cable and phone companies that operate the data pipelines are supposed to treat all traffic the same — nobody is supposed to jump the line.

This is not good.

Addendum, Minutes Later:

Josh Marshall has more, including a denial from Google.

Via Atrios.


The Best Argument I’ve Seen for Gun Control 0

Not that I favor gun control–I’m profoundly ambivalent about the issue–but the sight of Oregon University Young Republicans with guns they clearly don’t know how to use properly, well, see for yourself:

Their stances are wrong, their grips are wrong, they’re holding the weapons at the wrong angles. The list, as they say, goes on.

Guns are nasty, noisy, smelly things that can hurt people. They must be treated with respect.


Via OLE.


The Eagles Owe Philadelphia $8,000,000 (Updated) 3

Daniel Rubin discusses the issue, including the team’s position, here.

I still haven’t watched a football game all season, and, when I do, it won’t be the Eagles.


Brendan comments here.


Drink Liberally 0

Talk liberally, socialize liberally, think liberally, act liberally.

Tuesday, Triumph Brewing Company, Chestnut between Letitia and 2nd, Philadelphia, Pa., 6 p.


Grandson 0

Apparently, his parents are teaching him how to do laundry.

Via ROR.
