From Pine View Farm

Trucked 3

Back when lived in Arlington, Va., I used to see a monster vehicle that, rather than a truck body, waaaay up there above those huge tires, eight or ten feet in the air, had the body of a Chevy Vega.

But that does not beat this.



  1. Bill

    February 7, 2009 at 7:43 am

    The Delaware law for cars is:
    Bumper height on passenger cars must not exceed 22 inches from the ground to the bottom of the bumper.

    I believe some states restrict the height of pick-up truck bumpers to 36″.  Those laws do not apply to “real working trucks,” just average pick-ups.  Unfortunately, our brilliant Delaware legislators would pass a similar law.  Heck, they won’t even pass a law making it illegal to drive and text-message, a practice I see more and more of every day.

  2. Frank

    February 7, 2009 at 9:47 pm

    Somewhere in there, is it possible to pass a law against being a moron?

  3. Bill

    February 8, 2009 at 6:56 pm

    Somewhere in there, is it possible to pass a law against being a moron?

    No…there isn’t enough jail space.