April, 2009 archive
There’s No Pocrisy Like Hypocrisy 0
(Links straightened out)
Brendan makes a phone call and calls out a Republican for boasting about getting pandemic funds pulled from the stimulus package and now trying to run away from her actions.
Evil in Our Names. Again. Still. Or Something. 0
Apologists for torture are fond of invoking the “ticking time bomb”:
“What if [unnamed bad guys] had your [member of family] and you could save [him or her] by encasing said bad guy in an iron maiden? Well, huh, well, what do you say not, smart guy? So there! Nyah nyah nyah.”
(Granted, this example does give their argument a dignity and persuasiveness which it does not actually possess.l
Frank Rich in the Toimes cuts through the crap:
But there were no links between 9/11 and Iraq, and the White House knew it. Torture may have been the last hope for coercing such bogus “intelligence” from detainees who would be tempted to say anything to stop the waterboarding.
Ultimately, no sophistry can render evil into good.
Bulls, Bears, and Pigs 0
A pandemic is, at this point, no more than a possibility, though the flu has already spread to Europe. The financial symptoms are already severe.
Mexico City’s streets were empty Sunday as an estimated 1,614 people in Mexico contracted the swine flu, killing 103 people.
“Given that the virus strain is apparently transmissible from human to human, a feature that none of earlier bird flu outbreaks displayed, there is reason for concern,” said analysts from the Swiss brokerage Sarasin.
Bloomberg reports that the financial and commodities markets are also taking a hit:
Over at ASZ. Steve reminds us that the Republican Party thinks that the Centers for Disease Control is just so much pork. Follow the link for documentation and citations:
I think this is perhaps because
- pork is the only policy that Republicans understand and that
- money expended on the public health does not make the rich richer (except possibly Big Pharma), nor the poor poorer. It is therefore pork that is unacceptable to the Party of Nope.
Disregard their words and look at their actions: Making the rich richer and the poor poorer is the core belief and practice of Republicanism. Anything that does not further that goal is unacceptable.
Evil in Our Names 0
A tortuous path.
I read this last night; I cannot come up with any commentary other than the bumper sticker I saw on Saturday: “If You’re Not Outraged, You Haven’t Been Paying Attention.”
Phillipe Sands in the Guardian–read the whole thing:
It was difficult to understand how the senior lawyers involved could have authorised torture. So I spent 18 months trekking around the US, meeting many of the officials involved. For the most part, these were ordinary, decent people. Some spoke openly and – I thought – honestly. Others plainly didn’t. The higher up the political chain I went, the greater the hubris.
Afterthought: The Booman on the apologists for evil.
Glen Miller 0
I’ve stayed in the Hotel Pennsylvania; it’s right across Seventh from Penn Station. The legend is that the girlfriend of one of Glen Miller’s musicians lived there and the musician wrote the song because he called her every night.
Aside: I much prefer Benny Goodman to Glen Miller, but my father was a big Glen Miller fan. Something to do with WWII and France, I think.
Newt: Family Salamandridae, Subfamily Pleurodelinae 0
Once again, what kind of moral creed makes a central tenet of torture?
Moral Bankruptcy R Us, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Republican Party.
Via Raw Story.
If at First You Don’t Secede . . . 0
. . . apply for the dole. From Delaware Liberal:
Have cake.
Eat it too.
A Computer That Will Never Clog Up 0
Cooled by mineral oil:
The oil, which circulates through the system, is a critical component, Glorioso said. The 17-year-old Westminster resident said he came up with the idea when trying to find a way to keep a computer from overheating, which happened frequently when he and his friends played PC games.
Dustbiters 0
Late on dustbiter watch this weekend:
Twits on Twitter 0
Keep up with the latest place setting:
There He Goes Again 0
John Cole, talking sense:
The reason Republicans think it’s just politics is because they no longer have any moral core; politics is all they believe in. They sold out their moral core for the politics of hate and fear.
Greater Wingnuttery XVII 0
The Klan in camo.
Via Delaware Liberal, which wonders why these self-dubbed patriots hafeel they must disguise their voices.
Evil in Our Names 0
Evil comes in plain wrappers gowned with hypocrisy, not on chariots heralded by thunder and lightning.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M – Th 11p / 10c | |||
Balzheimers Disease | ||||
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