From Pine View Farm

Twits on Twitter 1


Corporate fascination with Twitter, a blend of instant messaging and blogging known as “micro-blogging,” is intensifying as companies seek new ways to reach consumers in the recession. Twitter users post 140-character “Tweets” about whatever’s on their mind, giving companies a unique opportunity to pounce on consumers right as they express an interest in buying something, said analyst Charlene Li.

“It’s the ability to tap into somebody’s interest at the moment it’s expressed,” said Li, founder of Altimeter Group, a San Mateo, California-based research firm that specializes in social technology.

Todd, in a recent podcast, stated that he had learned the GoDaddy, one of his sponsor, has started providing tech support via Twitter, in addition to using more traditional methods.

Man, when I worked support, I would have loved to limit some of the callers the 144 words.


1 comment

  1. Karen

    April 3, 2009 at 1:24 pm

    I still want to know why anyone would care what someone was doing at all points of the day, unless they are maybe stalking them. Isn’t there such a thing as cyber-stalkers? Wouldn’t constant following of twits    tweets from 1 person constitute a perverse form of stalking? If you think about it, it’s not too far of a reach.