More Apple Fail, Teen-Aged Boy Dept. 0
Apple has banned another program from its iPhone Apps store.
This program, called Eucalyptus, goes directly to Project Gutenberg, a highly respected repository for public domain ebooks, to allow the user to download ebooks. I have, in fact, often used Project Gutenberg, downloading books by Mark Twain, R. Austin Freeman, and others.
Seems the issue is that, among it’s other umpty-ump thousands of titles, the site contains Sir Richard Burton’s (no, not that Richard Burton; the sober one) translation of the Kama Sutra.
The Guardian reports:
For those of you unfamiliar with the Kama Sutra, it is sort of a poetic Indian “how to” of sex and love. Only a teenaged boy could find it at all prurient.
Of course, a teen-aged boy can find the Hanes catalog prurient.
Is Apple hiring teen-aged Mac fanboys to run the Apps Store? Inquiring minds want to know.