The Stupid Bowl 0
Sure, the BCS system is stupid, but this is even more stupider.
Republicanism: Slogans looking for a cause.
In his opening remarks during a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s commerce, trade and consumer protection subcommittee, Barton — the panel’s ranking Republican — recalled the hearing he held on the same matter several years ago.
“That time, I had hoped through a spirit of volunteerism, the BCS would decide to go to a playoff system,” he said. “That hasn’t happened yet. It is interesting that people of good will — I think everybody on whatever side of the issue is a person of good will — keeps trying to tinker with the current system.”
“It’s like communism, you can’t fix it.”
And the cause they find is . . . .
. . . . college bowl games?
H/T David Dayen via Facebook.