Something Went Right 0
Boat runs.

Now to see if the old battery holds a charge or needs to be replaced.
It’s also time to put a new impeller in the cooling pump and rewire the depth finder. Not to mention renew the license.
The orange wire is for the battery charger. Every trailer boater has a battery charger.
The hose feeds water to the cooling system for running the motor on land.
The gray mass in the background is the cover, which I just pulled back out of the way. (I’m glad I just pulled it aside, because the rain started within five minutes of the boat’s starting, closely followed by a phone call from Second Son asking me to put up the windows in his truck.)
The 2×4 is my jerry-rigged support to give the cover a slope, so it functions as a cover, not as a pond.
Weather dot com tells me that I may get some windows of opportunity to work on it tomorrow and Friday and should have good weather for a shake-down cruise over the weekend.