Seen on the Street 1
Another collection of oddities from my travels.

He seems to have girl trouble.

No one’s getting his GTO.
And this guy doesn’t seem to sweat the small stuff:

Bumper stickers:
That appears to be a surfer thing.
I couldn’t find any explanation for this:
Sore loser: The bumper sticker reads “Obama, Reid, Pelosi: America’s Three Stooges” (hope he enjoyed my “Yes! We did!” bumper sticker).

Miscellaneous vanity plates:
In the driveway of a house near the third tee at Cypress Point:
Music fan or educator?
Ich bin ein?
And on a small truck bearing a portable welding shop:
Some others:
Sorry, honey, that fad’s so over.
If the above doesn’t refer to relaxing on the beach, I don’t want to know what it does refer to.
And I don’t know whether this was a preacher or a bluebeard:
Aggressive tendencies?
Based on the driving, yes.
Scientist or dog breeder?
I’ve been to Texas. Never mind.
And this one will probably soon find how jealous Disney is of its brand:
On a Prius:
Floating party?
Sign at CITGO gas station, from the Flair for the Obvious Dept.:
A day without sunshine is like night.
July 11, 2009 at 12:04 pm
Could be because he used the word Chicks? that they hate him?