The Ownership Society 0
TPM on owning fruitcakes:
This gives Republicans a choice: Vote yes on the resolution, which would repudiate the Birthers; vote no, to endorse them; or skip the vote, which would basically be the same as voting no.
Put up or shut up.
Then, again, there are the complete nutcases.
From the Sanity Department: It doesn’t matter where Mr. Obama was born, though he was born in the United States. His mother was an American citizen. He would have been an American citizen had he been born on a planet orbiting the star Sirius in a galaxy far, far away, in a time far, far ago, for heaven’s (as it were) sake.
The Birthers do nothing more than emphasize their own stupidity and ignorance. And the stupidity and ignorance of the (Republican) Party that embraces and nurtures them.
Oh, yeah. And their racism. As I have said before, if Mr. Obama were pink like me, this would not be an issue.
They bring new meaning to the phrase, “Too stupid for words.”
And that party thinks it deserves to govern.
Oh, yeah. I forget.
It did govern. And the country went to hell.
Let us look at the evidence:
Faith is the evidence of things unseen.
Voting Democrat is the evidence of things seen.
Aside: Yes. I am indeed beyond and far on the other side of fed up with Republican hypocrisy and lies. Why persons who I know to be persons of good will can continue to support that calvacade of clowns is beyond me.