From Pine View Farm

Watch the Racism 0

It’s a constant undercurrent in this scene.

No, I’m not accusing the Marx Brothers of racism, and, as they were Jewish, they probably had plenty of other isms to deal with. Though they were children of their time, just as I am a child of my time.

But watch closely. You can see it, a nasty undercurrent, not noticeable when the film was made because it was part of the fabric of society, but all too noticeable now.

It is there, even as Harpo takes the harp to heavenly places, because this film is a child of its time.

And consider as you watch it: This is what the odious Southern Strategy of the Republican Party is all about.

And this is what the whole “birther” thing springs from.

Keeping the darkies in their place. And keeping the white folks scared of the darkies.

Aside: My South Carolina grandmother commonly used the term “darkie.” In her upbringing, it was bad form to remind black folks that they were black.


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