Crazy People Are Dangerous 0
The Booman Tribune explains: Part One by StephenD. Part Two by the Booman.
The crazy isn’t new. It’s the Republican Mainstream.
I studied the right wing in college (no, no pinko professor assigned it to me–I had no idea what the political leanings of sociology professor were. I had one history professor that I could guess was pretty much against the Viet Namese War, but that didn’t make him a liberal; that simply made him same. By and large, the teachers kept their personal beliefs out of the classroom, contrary to the delusions of the wingnuts, who apparently fear knowledge as much as they fear anything.)
I chose it as a project because I was interested in it, having grown up in a area that had a KKK chapter. It was a small weak chapter (probably no more than four or five guys talking crap at the local gas station) that was all talk and never appeared in public and that everyone else, even the most bigoted everyone elses, mostly just laughed at, but it was there.
Aside: The reputed leader of the chapter had a very well-regarded restaurant. There was much informal anticipation of what he might do if some black folk finally tried to dine at his restaurant.
What he did was, he served them just like any other customers. Of course, the place where I grew up being what it was, the families had probably known each other for generations.