From Pine View Farm

It’s My Comment and I’ll Rescue It If I Want To 0

Anyone who thought that Obama was going to attempt to govern as a doctrinaire anything was not paying attention during the campaign.

Seems to me that a lot of frustrated (like myself) lefties have projected their own policy preferences onto Obama (unlike myself).

I heard Hamsher on the radio recently (I think on the Diane Rehm Show, but I can’t find the link). She seemed bitter that Obama has not accomplished everything he promised on the campaign single-handedly in ten months.

(With apologies to Leslie Gore, who’s still cute as a button.)

It’s my comment to the Booman’s post. Please read that first.

    Anyone who thought that Obama was going to attempt to govern as a doctrinaire anything was not paying attention during the campaign.

    Seems to me that a lot of frustrated (like myself) lefties have projected their own policy preferences onto Obama (unlike myself).

    I heard Hamsher on the radio recently (I think on the Diane Rehm Show, but I can’t find the link). She seemed bitter that Obama has not accomplished everything he promised on the campaign single-handedly in ten months.

    Obama was not elected dictator.

    We just had a president who thought he was elected dictator (and we will never know whether he was actually elected in the first place, but that’s another story). We don’t need another one.

    What we need is a new Congress.

    Full disclosure:

    I am extremely distressed over Obama’s failure to open the books on torture and to stop using the phony state secrets defense to protect wrong-doers (to use a phrase favored by a wrong-doer). Those are things wholly within the purview of the executive branch.

    It’s silly to blame him for not being able to control Congress. Congress can’t even control Congress.


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