From Pine View Farm

The Entitlement Society, Reprise 0

Paul Myners in the Guardian:

Saving the world’s financial system was unquestionably the right thing to do. But in the process of saving it, we protected those very market fundamentalists whose actions caused the crisis.

The risk is now that their confidence has not been sufficiently dented; that they have not truly learned their lesson. And the danger with this moral hazard is that they could put us all at risk again.

This is why a central part of restoring true market discipline to the world financial system must be major reform globally to the way banks and financial firms are governed and regulated.

Meanwhile . . .

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker called for urgent regulation of credit-default swaps to shore up the euro area and prevent a rerun of the Greek financial crisis.

The “financial industry” has demonstrated that it is incapable of learning from experience and that, in a conflict between greed and responsibility, greed wins.

Check the history of the US in the 1800s. There was a recession depression panic almost exactly every 20 years.

The only period in US history without regular recessions depressions panics was the period during which Glass-Steagel was in effect. Sure there were ups and downs, but those were hills and dales, not mountains and canyons.

Banksters gotta be watched. Carefully. Even in their little bankster hideouts.


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