From Pine View Farm

New Depths of Tone Deaf 0

Oh, my goodness.

As I think I have mentioned here before, I attended Catholic churches for 18 years. Something to do with being married to someone brought up in the Catholic Church.

All the priests I knew were decent fellows who were trying as best they could to do the jobs they had taken on. Not a one of them has ever had his honor questioned.

It is a shame to see them betrayed by their management in such a fashion. I wonder whether the Catholic Church has considered what protecting malefactors does to the religious who are not malefactors.

I would guess not.

For every hinky priest, there is a hinky Protestant preacher.

The individual misconduct was individual sin; protecting the malefactors was organizational sin, for which the organization must answer.

I have seen it before in other large organizations. The first impulse is to circle the wagons. The second, third, and fourth impulses are to circle, circle, circle. And the circle remains unbroken, as the sin perpetuates.

The sex abuse problems in the Catholic church are management problems. Management knew about it, management protected it, management thereby encouraged it.

I wonder what St. Peter will have to say when these clowns appear at his doorstep.


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