From Pine View Farm

Olbermann and Others 0

I haven’t paid a lot of attention to Keith Olbermann’s being suspended for daring to support candidates. I sometimes find Olbermann entertaining, but rarely watch. By the time his show comes on, I’ve put away my outrage for the day.

Nevertheless, the idea that reporters and commentators (and Olbermann has been as much a commentator as a reporter) shouldn’t have opinions or express in a legal way legitimate political positions in their private lives seems rather silly, especially in view of the Foxes who rampage daily in the henhouse.

As John Cole pointed out

An old NCO once told me that as a leader of men–never make a rule you can’t enforce, never make a rule you won’t enforce, and never make a rule that makes you look like an idiot if you do enforce it.

Tthis week’s On the Media thoughtfully explores the issue of forbidding news staffs to express, in private, political positions.

A good portion of 21st-century news consumers no longer believe in objectivity. They know it isn’t possible. And yet the public expects reporters to always play it down the middle, delivering the facts and only the facts, unencumbered by bias. But to what lengths should reporters go? Can they report fairly on beats that encroach on their personal lives? Should they vote? Brooke canvassed an array of (objective) sources and compiled this report.

Follow the link to the website for the story (transcript to be posted Monday afternoon) or listen here:


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