Return of the Pinkertons (Updated) 0
Students of labor history know that the Pinkertons frequently served as hired goons (think Blackwater) against workers.
And now, public servants are painted as public enemies because they expect to be paid and treated fairly.
The Wisconsin governor is preparing to set the National Guard against state employees.
In Wingnut World, workers exist to be exploited.
This is truly sick-making.
Jason330 comments at Delaware Liberal. An excerpt (emphasis in the original):
Their devious plan can be summed up in three words: “wanting” “to” “get” & “paid” Okay. Four words. But seriously, it is enough to make you puke isn’t it? Even here in Delaware we have STATE WORERS who have the nerve to want to get paid, when they know that every dollar paid to them is a dollar less in job creating tax cuts we can give to AstraZeneca executives.