From Pine View Farm

July, 2011 archive


Ogden Nash, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):

There has been a lot of progress during my lifetime, but I’m afraid it’s heading in the wrong direction.


You Too Can Talk like a Guru 0

Mano Singham explains how.


Terrorism in a Teabag 0

Nickolas Kristof recounts the dangers of Teabagger insanity and ignorance (one of those is bad enough; the two together are mighty dangerous) on financial policy (emphasis added):

We tend to think of national security narrowly as the risk of a military or terrorist attack. But national security is about protecting our people and our national strength — and the blunt truth is that the biggest threat to America’s national security this summer doesn’t come from China, Iran or any other foreign power. It comes from budget machinations, and budget maniacs, at home.

(snip list of the practical effects of default)

. . . Republican zeal to lower debts could result in increased interest expenses and higher debts. Their mania to save taxpayers could cost taxpayers. That suggests not governance so much as fanaticism.

More broadly, a default would leave America a global laughingstock. Our “soft power,” our promotion of democracy around the world, and our influence would all take a hit. The spectacle of paralysis in the world’s largest economy is already bewildering to many countries. If there is awe for our military prowess and delight in our movies and music, there is scorn for our political/economic management.

Read the whole thing.

Via DelawareLiberal.


Callings 0

Jay Leno:

Texas governor Rick Perry said God is calling on him to run for President. But Michele Bachmann said that God is calling on her to run for President. You know, if God is that indecisive, he’s probably for Mitt Romney.

Via OhMyGov!


Turnabouts 0

Unreliable reports are surfacing that Rupert Murdoch’s phone messages have been hacked.

Details here.

In other news, Leonard Pitts, Jr., reports on Fox News’s coverage on the voicemail hacking story (Hint: There’s hardly any).

Now, let us be fair and balanced here. Fox is owned by Murdoch and the last thing any news organization wants is to be in the awkward position of reporting on itself. To have to air that which might embarrass or damage colleagues or bosses is the definition of a no-win situation, especially since there will always be doubts, from within and without, about your ability to do so fairly. But when professionalism demands, this is what you do.

Fox is not a news organization. It is a propaganda mill.


Find Enlightenment . . . 0

. . . at Comically Vintage.


Dim Bulbs 0

Bulb Wars

Via Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog.


Every Number Tells a Story 0

Every Number Tells a Story
Click for a larger image.

Via Hanlon.


Turf Wars 0

Read more about the malevolent history of the American lawn.

Via Contradict Me (Warning: Some risque content).



Charlotte Bronte, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):

It is not violence that best overcomes hate — nor vengeance that most certainly heals injury.


Ch-Ch-Choices 0

What the Booman said.


Kabuki Choreography Clarified? 0

Mano Singham has a particularly jaundiced view of President Obama’s Kabuki moves:

Obama and the Democratic party leadership are not trying to get the best deal from the Republicans. They and the Republicans agree on what they want to do (cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits and provide more tax breaks for wealthy individuals and corporations) because that is what their bosses, the oligarchy, want.

What Obama is trying to negotiate is a way to get all these things without completely alienating his party’s base. He will go as far as he can get away with. That is why all these trial balloons keep getting floated and then denied.

Can’t say that I disagree strongly, since the Beltway Braintrust has convinced everyone inside the Beltway that outgo, rather than income, is the problem.

Meanwhile, Dick Polman collects some interesting quotations.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Always be polite when proposing marriage:

An Indiana man has been charged with three counts of felony criminal recklessness for allegedly firing a gun over the head of his girlfriend after she declined his marriage proposal.

How could she have possibly refused such an onslaught of charm?


Pay No Attention to the Man behind the Curtain 0


Otherworldly Logic 0

This Modern World
Click for a larger image.

From This Modern World.


Gang of Sickness 0

Facing South parses the “compromise” proposal from the Gang of Six.

“Gang” is right.

Here are some snippets:

Current top marginal income tax rate for the wealthiest Americans and most profitable corporations: 35%

Lowest rate to which that would be reduced by the Gang of Six proposal: 23%

Estimated amount in profits being held offshore by U.S. companies, which under the plan would see an end to taxation of most of their overseas profits: $1 trillion

Follow the link for the full post and the links to their sources.


What Atrios Said 0

What Atrios said.


Facebook Frolics 0

The mope searched the victims Facebook posts for clues to their, email accounts, then broke into them and helped himself:

Once he took over women’s email accounts, George Bronk searched their folders for nude or semi-nude photographs or videos sent to their husbands or boyfriends and distributed the images to their contact list, prosecutors said.

He did this by figuring out their “password recovery” questions.

I do not enter answers to “password recovery” questions unless a site demands it; if they do, I put in an answer to another question.

I write my passwords down and store them in several separate secure, encrypted locations.

Important passwords, like financial ones, do not get stored on electronic media.


It Can’t Happen Here 0

At least, that’s what Scott Herhold thinks, even though he says he’s not saying that. A snippet:

A colleague of mine, when asked if a U.K. phone-hacking scandal could break out in America, likes to reply: “We’re not organized enough to organize a three-car funeral, much less a sophisticated phone surveillance scam.”

There’s truth in her take. At most mainstream news media outlets, particularly at newspapers, the order of the day is survival. And phone hacking is both expensive and illegal, two major threats to longevity.

I’m not saying it could not happen here, particularly at tabloids like the Rupert Murdoch-owned New York Post. I wouldn’t be shocked to see a variety of the escapades erupt at an online celebrity gossip site.

The reasons he cites later on in the article are actually quite persuasive and worth a look for anyone who expects it to happen here.

There’s another one he missed (or maybe he ran out of room).

Great Britain is a small country, less than 90,000 square miles. That’s roughly between the sizes of Minnesota and Michigan. Any significant newspaper there is necessarily a national paper, not just in influence (as the New York Times may be considered a national paper), but also in distribution. Even the Guardian long ago dropper the “Manchester” from its masthead.

That’s a lot of hungry cats in one cage.

A scandal at a British paper is therefore ipso facto a national scandal.

So I think it is unlikely to have happened here, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see that or some other scurvy practice at a regional rag.

Frankly, I think the cesspool of lies known as “Fox News” has done and does far more damage to the polity in its short life than the News of the World has done to Britain throughout the paper’s existence.



Thor Heyerdahl:

A civilized nation can have no enemies, and one cannot draw a line across a map, a line that doesn’t even exist in nature and say that the ugly enemy lives on the one side, and good friends live on the other.
