From Pine View Farm

Pledge Central 2

At Philly dot com, Elmer Smith discusses the recent kerfuffle over a pledge that, among other things, attempted to portray slavery positively; he suggests that Republican candidates’ knee-jerk reaction is to sign any wingnut pledge thrust in front of them without reading it.

A nugget:

RICK SANTORUM didn’t wait to be asked. The day the conservative Christian organization Family Leader announced its defense-of-marriage pledge, Santorum called to ask where he could sign.

Even so, he managed to be only the second signer. Michele Bachmann was first to send back her signed document.

Neither was in as big a rush to clarify their position after learning that they had signed a pledge stating that black children were more likely to be raised in a two-parent home during slavery than they are “after the election of the U.S.A’s first African American president.”


I read that line and wondered why black people ever allowed slavery to be taken from us.

Santorum and Bachmann, on the other hand, wondered how to explain why someone who could cosign something so patently stupid should be trusted to govern.



  1. George Smith

    July 12, 2011 at 5:32 pm

    I maintain Santorum is clinically insane. Moreso, even, than Michele Bachmann which makes him a bit more pathetic because she wields it so much better, faster and more powerfully than he does.
    It’s remarkable he was ever elected to anything and because of that I have to think that his pathetic campaign and image is the result of someone who thinks that if he is continually rewarded with manure he is about to receive a big cattle farm.

  2. Frank

    July 12, 2011 at 7:56 pm

    I was living in Delaware and had a front row seat to his antics.

    He’s got a bad case of thinking he’s anointed.

    Rhymes with disjointed.

    As someone who was brought up in the sane branch of Christianity, I find folks like him scary and embarrassing.