From Pine View Farm

The Eyes Have It 1

Teabaggers have been upset about the Michelle Bachmann Newsweek cover photo, claiming that Newsweek chose a portrait in which Bachmann has crazy eyes.

Frankly, I didn’t think that the picture looked any crazier than other pictures of her.

Now comes Noz to inform me that Newsweek has retaliated by releasing its other potential cover photos.

Oh. I was correct about them eyes.

One thing puzzles me out of all of this: Who cares about Newsweek?


1 comment

  1. cassandra m

    August 12, 2011 at 12:10 pm

    A friend who has some experience with professional photos thinks that Bachmann got caught in an old “how to not look old” set of tricks — widen your eyes, tighten your neck and stick out your jaw slightly.  Apparently this works much better in distance shots than in close ups.

    Personally, she needs to man up and deal with the fact that she has some resemblance to Charles Manson around the eyes.