From Pine View Farm

Droning On 1

The government has found more brown people to point drones at, now on this side of the big pond.

The plan to operate crewed, high-tech aircraft with “over the horizon” technology came to light as the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security announced the end of the 18-month-old deployment of 1,200 National Guard ground troops who have been helping the U.S. Border Patrol spot illegal border crossers.

The winding down of the ground operation over the next two months stems from growing concerns over the cost and effectiveness of the $10 million-a-month National Guard effort that has provided reassurance along the border and political cover for politicians in Washington but has had limited impact on arrests and drug seizures.

It won’t be long before drones are pointed at everyone everywhere, sort of like Google Earth in real time. With bombs.

Meanwhile, in the Guardian, Gary Younge quotes a statement that sums up the anti-immigration movement: it’s about hatin’ on The Other:

While travelling along the US-Mexican border, from Brownsville to San Diego, I met a man in New Mexico who went by the name of Quasimodo who claimed he “could tell an ‘illegal’ by looking at them”. I found this doubtful, and so asked Quasimodo, one of the Minutemen, an anti-immigrant vigilante group how. “It’s like wild dog versus tame dog. They just don’t have the same kind of look.”

Follow the link for the rest of Mr. Younge’s column.


1 comment

  1. George

    December 21, 2011 at 12:36 pm

    Google the movie “Sleep Dealer.” It was Mexican, than remade for a US audience. They know what’s coming. There is another recent movie industry product, this one British, quite good, which I saw on ppv. It was called “Monsters” and is about a US spacecraft that crash lands in Mexico and it has some small samples from another place that escape into the wild. A year or so later, they’ve grown into animals about ten times as big as elephants, which move toward the border in their travels. The US government overreacts and invades Mexico. But the invasion doesn’t work. So a giant wall is built, which fails, too. These make it seem easier to say absurdly unpleasant things in movies. They do not reach big audiences, here. Too “arty.”