From Pine View Farm

The Phony War on Christmas 0

There is a real war on Christmas.

It’s waged by persons notable for publicly, perpetually, loudly patting themselves on the back for how Christian and holy they are.

Barbara Sehr reflects on it at SeattlePI dot com:

Remember Christianity? Whether it is a biblical manifestation of truth, or a story of imagined people, it is a great story. It literally is about what is meant by “It’s a Wonderful Life.” It is not about an angry God who brings individuals, families and entire civilizations to conflict, but about a messenger from the angels, who advocates for the “least of these.” He counseled with those many today would consider life’s refuse, especially those who might occupy a public park without bathing, those who are forced to grant sexual favors for a price, and those who gather on a mountain top in search of loaves and fishes. At the same time, in a spirit of bi-partisanship, this messenger would evict the tax collectors from the temples.

Today, this “greatest story ever told,” has been rewritten as Dickensian satire by professed believers who wear their “religion” on their sleeves like a territorial mark left by an untrained puppy. “If you are without a job, and poor, blame yourself,” they reverberate in their gospel of rugged individualism. If you are a child born into poverty, there should be workhouses to teach you a work ethic that can lead you into a life of million-dollar self-imprisonment from the forces of sensitivity to your fellow humans. “God Bless Us Everyone” becomes “God Save Our Tax-Free Capital Gains at High Interest.”</blockquote>


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