From Pine View Farm

Not with a Bang, but a Whisper 0

In the Denver Post, Edward Wasserman bemoans the lack of notice given the official (at least, as official as it’s going to get) end of the Great and Glorious Patriotic War for a Lie in Iraq. A nugget:

Our country isn’t unique in making war needlessly, but we may be unique in our insouciance. Attention really should be paid. After all, destroying another country is a big deal. Between 105,000 and 130,000 Iraqi civilians died violently, and half a million more were lost to degraded infrastructure, lousy health care and other miseries caused by years of murderous strife uncorked by the U.S. invasion. Some 2 million Iraqis are now refugees, and hundreds of thousands of ordinary lives have been mutilated.

You’d think some sort of examination is in order: Congressional hearings? A truth and reconciliation commission? At least, an extended segment on “60 Minutes”? The events of 9/11 triggered hearings, commissions, reports, reappraisals, soul-searching, reorganizations, sweeping legislation. But the immeasurably greater catastrophe of the Iraq war has brought no comparable reckoning.

The closest our media have come to voicing regret is lamenting the war’s trillion-dollar cost and the torments of our own combatants . . . .

Like devastation wrought in a Family Circus cartoon, all the bad stuff was done by the great American Not Me.

And there will be no reckoning.

The liars and their sycophants, both in politics and in the commentariat, who sold this war will collect their pensions, their speakers’ (dis)honorariums, their commentary commissions, and move on to shilling for the next made-up war.


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