From Pine View Farm

Mitt the Anointed 0

At the Guardian, Jason Farago argues that Mitt the Flip’s nomination is a done deal. He points to the one issue on which Mitt has not flipped: his unwavering loyalty to and identification with the corporate masters of the Republican Party and his belief in plutocracy uber alles.

But on one issue Mitt Romney has never flip-flopped. From his time at Bain Capital, where he squeezed companies to death to extract billions for investors, to his tenure in office and his eternal campaigning since, Romney is the best friend a corporate raider or titan of finance could ask for.


The fiction that Romney doesn’t believe in anything shows just how successfully the business absolutism he espouses has positioned itself outside ideological terms – beyond question, self-evident.

Follow the link for the rest.

Meanwhile, Field, who did part of his growing up in Michigan, remembers Mitt’s father:

I also remember the governor of Michigan for a short time that we were there being a man my father always spoke glowingly about long after we left the Great Lakes state. The man pushed for civil rights when it was not popular to do so, and he clashed with his own church on the issue. Well, unfortunately, the apple in this case, has fallen very far from the tree.

To measure how far fell the apple from the tree, remember that George Romney made his pile by building a company. Mitt made his by destroying companies.


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