From Pine View Farm

The Agony of Fail 0

The local rag opens a story with this agonizing description of pain and despair.

He envisioned sitting at a table in the school’s gym or library with media, coaches, teammates, family and friends waiting for him to announce where he would play.

But despite a history-making senior season, Mayes will sit out today’s ceremonies. He’ll instead spend the day working out.

Mayes fell short academically, failing to meet the NCAA’s minimum GPA or SAT score.

It’s about a kid whose grades aren’t good enough to play semi-pro college football having to sit out “Signing Day,” when high school kids (high school kids, mind you) learn which semi-pro college team is going to notpay them for playing football next year. (Wonder whether spending school days working out had anything to do with his grad–oh, never mind.)

The only persons with an IQ above 20 who care about “signing day” are at brewery ad agencies and ESPN.



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