From Pine View Farm

Penn Fake 2

Karen Heller talks to some of Little Ricky’s professors about Little Ricky’s claim that Penn State was a hotbed of liberalism:

All three veteran, now-retired faculty members were stunned by Santorum’s account of the university politics and their department.

“Maybe he believes it, but he doesn’t have a very good memory,” Friedman said. “He wasn’t very conservative.”

The real story about Rick Santorum’s education is this one: “He was telling a story that isn’t true,” Friedman said. “It’s a fantasy,” Eisenstein echoed. “You’re in a political campaign and you’re dealing with people you can get to applaud if you tell stories about people being indoctrinated and liberal professors, but it’s not true.”

When I lived in the Philly area, I knew a lot of Penn State grads. When any of them formed a sentence with politics in the subject, “bid to football bowl game” was in the predicate.



  1. George

    March 11, 2012 at 12:58 pm

    “Joe Paterno” was part of the compound subject. My brother went there and I was on campus a number of times. PSU as a place like UC Berkeley is a hoot. The guy just won’t stop with his imaginary world where education in the US has beaten down the persecuted mullahs, of which Rick is — I guess — the current Grand Imam. 

  2. Frank

    March 11, 2012 at 6:38 pm

    It’s a wingnutty world they live in.  And the scary thing is that a lot of them have started to believe their own press releases.

    It’s comparable to the Congressman who, when I was in school in the late 60s/early 70s called William and Mary, my college, “Playboy East.”  

    Slogan, slogan uber veritas.