From Pine View Farm

Civility, Republican Style 2

Mitt Romney, Citizen BainIn the midst of a longer post about something else, Field sums up civility on the campaign trail, as defined by Republicans: it’s for the other guys (emphasis in the original).

Of course, as is to be expected, he (Mitt the Flip–ed.) blamed it all on O, and he charged him with running a dirty campaign which is beneath the dignity of the POTUS. (Funny, he wasn’t so worried about the dignity of the office when his peeps were shouting him (President Obama–ed.) down while he was addressing the country. Or, for that matter, when Donald Trump and his birther friends were questioning his legitimacy as president.)

Anyone who welcomes support from Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and the lot, then complains about “incivility” is talking through his hat.

In other news, Chauncey Devega wonders about sociopathy.

Image via Field.



  1. George Smith

    July 15, 2012 at 6:49 pm

    Heck, the guy took a phone call and an endorsement from Nugent, the guy the US Secret Service saw fit to question.

  2. Frank

    July 16, 2012 at 5:12 pm

    He really does live in a bubble.