From Pine View Farm

A Pox on Both Their Houses 0

At Tampa Bay dot com, Robyn Blumner considers Mike Lofgren’s new book.

Lofgren is a long-time Republican operative who is fed up with both parties. A snippet:

Democrats are no longer a viable opposition party countering the Republicans, who now work exclusively for the benefit of the rich, according to Lofgren. Their willingness to compete with Republicans for deep-pocket fund-raising has transformed Democrats from FDR progressives who would stand for workers and the middle class over corporate interests, to pipsqueak moderates who cleave to a “center” that keeps moving further to the right. Lofgren calls Democrats half a party.

As to Republicans, Lofgren’s book is a foghorn warning, an open-mouthed scream that would scare even Edvard Munch. He says his party has been hijacked by opportunists and true believers who have transformed it from the party of Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Eisenhower into one of “crackpots” like Eric Cantor, Steve King, Michele Bachmann and Allen West.

In Lofgren’s experience, the new Republican Party wants to remake the country as “an upside-down utopia in which corporations rule; the Constitution, like science, is faith-based; and war is the first, not the last, resort in foreign policy.”

Frankly, I don’t much disagree. My own Democratic voting record is born as much of “consider the alternative” as of anything else. The Democratic Party hasn’t had much of an identifiable program since LBJ. They haven’t gotten much right, but they sure as hell get a lot less wrong.

And, honest to Pete, do think of the alternative.


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