From Pine View Farm

Mitt the Flip Truth out the Window 0

Dick Polman devoted two articles to Mitt the Flip’s foreign affairs chops (as in “chop shops”) this week. Both are worth a close reading.

Here’s a bit from the one on the Libya situation, which expresses Polman’s awe at Mitt’s flipping skills:

I won’t recount in detail the latest Romney misadventure; you probably know it already. Suffice it to say that, in the midst of spiraling violence at our Egyptian and Libyan embassies on Tuesday night Eastern time, Romney rushed out a statement that politicized the tragedy and falsely pinned the blame on President Obama. He said: “It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn the attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”

It takes a special talent to weave multiple lies into a single sentence, all while rushing to judgment in the midst of a fast-moving tragedy, but Romney pulled it off.

And here’s one illustrating that Mitt is still fighting the Cold War (which, in Republican revisionist history, was single-handedly slain by Saint Ronaldus and his magickal microphone over two decades ago):

Yes, Russia can be a pain in the butt, especially in Syria. But President Putin supports the strong western sanctions against Iran (which in turn benefits Israel), and he has aided our war in Afghanistan by allowing the U.S. and NATO to transport military materiel on his rail lines. Moreover, Russia continues to be a major supplier of crude oil to America.

So when you bluster in ignorance at an important semi-ally, and when you then double down by blustering anew in a radio interview (as Romney did earlier this week), you risk screwing things up for the nation you aspire to lead. Here’s how:

NATO, led by America, is engaged in a sensitive minuet with Russia over NATO’s plans for a missile defense shield in Europe. We’ve told Russia repeatedly that the shield is intended to deter Iran, not Russia. But Russia is wary of the project, in part because the most hawkish factions within the government oppose it – suspecting that it’s American trick to put a cap on Russian power.

So here comes Romney, again, pounding away about how Russia is public enemy number one …and guess what: his rhetoric has strengthened Russia’s resolve to oppose the missile shield.

Do you want this man’s finger on the red button?


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