From Pine View Farm

The Gospel According to the Donald 0

I have a gut reaction to Liberty University. And it’s a decidedly negative one.

It was started to indoctrinate students with Jerry Falwell’s version of Christianity, which I find (to use Falwellian terminlogy) decidedly un-Biblical, insofar as Christianity is supposed to be based on the Gospels, rather than on Leviticus. (I feel the same way about Regents, Pat Robertson’s outfit, just down the road. They are in the tradition of Bob Jones and Oral Roberts Universities–designed to wash brains, not nurture them indoctrinate students in a particular politico-religious ideology, with an accent on the politico.)

Nevertheless, I commend the students for greeting the Donald’s Gospel of Revenge with silence.

It may not be what Jesus would do, but billionaire developer and reality TV star Donald Trump counseled students Monday at the Falwell family’s Liberty University not to turn the other cheek but to “get even” with adversaries.

In a speech where he also called President Barack Obama “a Teflon president” who seems to win favorable press coverage no matter the circumstance, Trump counseled Liberty students to “get even” with those who wrong them in business.

“I always say don’t let people take advantage – this goes for a country, too, by the way – don’t let people take advantage. Get even. And you know, if nothing else, others will see that and they’re going to say, ‘You know, I’m going to let Jim Smith or Sarah Malone, I’m going to let them alone because they’re tough customers,” said Trump . . . .

He also recommended that the students get pre-nups when they marry.


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