From Pine View Farm

Great Moments in Stupid 2

MarketWatch dot com, an organ of Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, has implemented a Fiscal Cliff Countdown Clock (remember the “Fiscal Cliff,” a creation of your gridlocked-by-Republicans Congress as romanticized by your fact-free media?), the better to scare you with, my dear.

No link. Find it yourself.



  1. Georger Smith

    November 27, 2012 at 8:32 pm

    I think the only people actually interested, or afraid, of the fiscal cliff are those in the right wing pseudo-information cell and the usual feckless Democrats in the House or in red states. I suspect it means nothing to 100 percent of the nonwhite Obama voter. It’s one of those terms that can absolutely put you into a coma from overuse. 

  2. Frank

    November 27, 2012 at 10:48 pm

    I saw a post somewhere today, but I couldn’t remember where to link it up, that started up, “If you use the term ‘fiscal cliff’ seriously, you are a liar.”  Then it got better.