From Pine View Farm

When Hero-Worshippers Lose Their Heroes, It’s Not Pretty 0


PoliticalProf lays out the sequence of events of the Petraeus scandal (follow the link for the enumeration) and concludes:

You know what’s not in this story? Any allegation or coverage of potential professional wrongdoing on Petraeus’ part (e.g., leaked information, emails, breaches of security, etc.).

Watch any soap opera you’ve ever seen. Nighttime or daytime. This is the standard story. it perhaps does not deserve quite so much detail.

I think a run-of-the-mill scandal has been complicated by the dashing of the press’s veneration of Petraeus and wingnuts’ desperate desire to make everything about President Obama; this clip illustrates both, although the blogger’s comments about it address only one of those items.

It probably also doesn’t hurt that it’s giving reporters an excuse to go all tabloid.

I think I’ll go watch some F-Troop reruns.


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