From Pine View Farm

Gun Nut Paradise Approacheth Post Haste, Reprise 0

Fabiola Santiago writes in the Miami Herald:

“I was just talking about Dev going into kindergarten — and now I’m scared, really scared, Mom,” one of my daughters tells me when I call her after hearing the news.

She and her husband recently moved to Connecticut.

I witnessed their meticulous search for “a safe place” to live and approved of their choice of a charming town strikingly similar to Newtown. On Friday, my 4-year-old grandson was at his school — also carefully chosen, as if enough thought, comparisons, and money could keep him from harm, but too close to the tragedy on this day for comfort.

“I just want to keep him home,” my daughter kept saying. “I don’t trust anybody.”


Guns don’t kill people, the National Rifle Association says. People kill people.


Chauncey Devega predicts the future most accurately. A nugget:

The NRA and their clan will retreat back to a default position and rhetorical redoubt where “guns don’t kill people, only people do.”

These same ideologues, who in the 21st century remain some type of throwback premodern tribesman at the early dawn of human history, are utterly devoted to a fetish object of metal and plastic which they worship as a god. For them, the mass shooting of children in Newton, Connecticut will be a funeral pyre whose light they will read as spirits dancing in the shadows, beckoning to them that more guns equals less crime, and that school teachers–and perhaps even children–should be allowed to carry firearms in school. Magical thinking brings public policy solutions that are not grounded in common sense or empirical reality.

In a way, the NRA is quite correct.

Guns don’t kill people. Gun nuts kill people.


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