From Pine View Farm

Facebook Frolics, Phoning It In Dept. 2

El Reg:

Facebook’s experiment with branded hardware may be coming to an abrupt end, according to a report that AT&T is discontinuing sales of the HTC First handset after finding that people won’t buy it – even for 99 cents.

Another stop on the road to AOLville.



  1. George Smith

    May 13, 2013 at 5:46 pm

    It’s another bit of good news but AT&T, another really hated crap company, sells a variety of refurbished smart phones in 99 cent deals to try and entice customers into their lousy data plans. I get these blandishments a lot.
     Another good measure is Facebook’s crap stock price — 26-27 dollars — without an upward trend in sight. It’s actually only one order of magnitude greater than the stock price of the worthless bioterror defense company I mock all the time. Which tells you a lot considering nobody knows the crap bioterror defense outfit, and everybody knows Facebook.
    Facebook won’t become MySpace or AOL. But it is the perfect poster boy company for corporate digital America, 2013. A gigantic empty bag of hot stink passed off as progress and innovation so as to hide the grasping nature of the few at the very top. These days I’m getting about one ‘friend’ request / 24 hours from what are obvious sham personal profiles started by Internet porn operations. 

  2. Frank

    May 13, 2013 at 9:58 pm

    Most of my “friend requests” are “like my page” requests.  


    The only reason I keep the damned account is to pimp my blog and send messages to one of the offsprung.


    And I’m still betting on AOLville.  It will just take a bit longer, because FB’s reach is wider.


    Call it what you might, AT&T is still Southwestern Bell at its worst. The only communications company that I loathe more is Verizon, by a hair.


    Back in the olden days, when dial-up was king, I was a happy AOLer. Wherever I traveled, I could find a local number; there was something positive about the service.


    Then came broadband, and there was no service left, only marketing.


    It is not long, as such things are numbered, that all that will be left of FB is marketing. Heck, it’s mostly marketing now.


    AOLville, here we come!


    To quote the immortal Yoghurt in Space Balls, “Moichandizing! My boy, moichandizing!”