From Pine View Farm

School for Scamdal 0

I’ve had this article bookmarked for some time as worthy of a link. That it’s been around a week or so doesn’t make it any less worthy.

In it, Mark Segal shares his thoughts about who did what regarding Benghazi.

A nugget:

No matter who said what after the attack, or what you called the attack, or what talking points there were, you still had four Americans dead and they weren’t dead because of any talking points. They were killed for lack of security and that was because the Republicans refused to allocate the funds to protect our own people.

Benghazigate: how Republicans allowed terrorists to kill four Americans. It’s true, after all, that Republicans know how to work with terrorists. President Ronald Reagan sold arms to terrorists, in what was then called “Contragate.”

Gee, that might make a good political slogan: “Help a terrorist, vote Republican.”

If you carefully consider facts (Facts! We don’t want no stinkin’ facts!), you will see that the Republican Party is a party of slogans, a sounding cymbal, a tinkling bell, signifying nothing, except a naked desire for plunder and power.


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