From Pine View Farm

“A Giant Leap into the Present” (Updated) 0

This is delightful.

Via C&L.

Addendum, Later That Same Day:

In related news, the Commander Guy explains how gay-bashing is a logical outcome of Richard Nixon’s odious Southern Strategy and how the persons it recruited to the Republican Party have come to control it. A snippet:

I believe gay bashing is the result of the Southern Strategy, i.e., the decision to transform from the Party of Established interests in to the party of all whites by adding Catholics, Jewish folks and ethnic whites to their coalition of Northern WASPs which had dominated the GOP for the previous 100 years. To get the party started, race based appeals are crucial. But as time goes on race based appeals started to bring diminishing returns. Then Party Leaders turned to white evangelicals (or religious fundamentalists as Sullivan puts it) to bolster their percentage of the white vote.

Mainline Protestant and Evangelical Groups having reconciled after their earlier Civil War era split once again diverged after WWII over the issue of race, with Mainline groups identifying racial discrimination as a big problem (see: Holocaust, The) and Evangelical groups preferring that people should accept the social situation they were born into (hint: they mean black folks). Picking “Family Values” Dan Quayle as a VP candidate is an example of this strategy in action – the GOP telling Evangelicals that we are one of you now.


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