From Pine View Farm

The Entitlement Society, Regency Dept. 2

Rachel outlines how the Regency went to the dog.

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All this, of course, while Cooch was AG.

You can’t make this stuff up. And, frankly, you wouldn’t.

There’s a pettiness about ripping off the public for vet supplies that is quite stupefying.

Via The Richmonder.



  1. George Smith

    June 24, 2013 at 11:18 am

    He really rubbed the help the wrong way now that they should all be tattling.

  2. Frank

    June 24, 2013 at 3:08 pm

    He’s as wingnutty as they come, but he knows better than, say, the governors of  Maine and Wisconsin how to behave in public, so he’s managed to appear, as my old doctor used to say, “within normal limits.”


    The most bizarre thing about this, as far as I am concerned, is that they actually bought the notion that useful “health supplements” (the term  “health supplement” is ipso facto a red flag) could be made from nicotine.