From Pine View Farm

The Downward Gavel 0

The ability of some to take offense and perceive non-existent malice can astound.

A California judge has bounced a case by a few parents claiming that yoga, offered in some San Diego schools as an alternative to traditional phys. ed., is inherently religious.

Meyer sided instead in the Monday ruling with administrators from the Encinitas Union School District who argued the practice while often religious is taught in a secular way to promote strength, flexibility and balance.

The judge said parents who objected relied on personal opinions, some culled from Internet searches.

“It’s almost like a trial by Wikipedia, which isn’t what this court does,” said Meyer, who took nearly two hours to explain a decision that explored yoga’s Indian roots and philosophy.

The lawyer for the parents, knowing prospects for long-term employment when he sees them, is promising to appeal.

Full Disclosure:

I know persons who practice yoga as a form of exercise. Not one of them has become Hindu.

There is only one possible response to someone who thinks that the “downward dog” is ipso facto proselytizing its practitioners for (shiver) “Eastern Religions”:

Oh, ye of little faith!


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