From Pine View Farm

The Galt and the Lamers 3



  1. George Smith

    July 2, 2013 at 3:04 pm That did not turn out well. It’s a shame more libertarians don’t hide their light under a bushel basket. If they did maybe a majority wouldn’t despise them so. Wee joke. Nothing can help libertarians. If you listen carefully to the lyrics, it’s tough — I know, you’ll find him actually singing about too much printing of paper money near the end. In an only slightly related matter, it’s why BitCoin will never go anywhere. It’s an invention of the libertarian mindset and you can see immediate intertwinings. Most libertarians, maybe all, I’ve ever met are obsessed with weed and its legalization. BitCoin folk are the same. They’re obsessed with weed and the digital world, so much so that BitCoin’s real rep, outside their world, is that it’s only good for buying weed (and other drugs at dodgy sites) or clothing and items made from weed. In a roundabout way I suppose smoking weed for 1000 plus pages could make Atlas Shrugged more palatable. But Ayn Rand wasn’t into weed, she was into tobacco and cigarette smoking as indicators of intellectual refinement. 

  2. Frank

    July 2, 2013 at 5:09 pm

    These folks live in a fantasy world, and they want to thrust it upon the rest of us.


    Also, they clearly hate good music. It took me three tries to get through it.

  3. George Smith

    July 2, 2013 at 5:33 pm

    Yeah, it was a jump on the grenade thing.