From Pine View Farm

Droning On 2

Collateral damage?



  1. Karen

    September 26, 2013 at 7:44 am

    On a lighter note, we passed through Deer Trail, in the northern part of Colorado Tuesday when it dawned on me why I remembered the name. That is the town where they thought it wise to sell permits to shoot any drones they see flying. $25.00 & you too can have your permit to shoot drones out of the air. On the flip side, it won’t be a happy time for them if someone actually manages to shoot one down. I’m pretty sure there are a few federal, as well as local, entities that would object to rifles being fired into the air & their drones being destroyed like that!

  2. Frank

    September 26, 2013 at 12:17 pm

    I read about that story!


    I don’t have problems with drones, “unmanned aircraft”  or “UAVs,” as the new term seems to be.  I can see great uses for them, as in your recent floods and fires, for example.


    My concerns boil down to two:  

    • Stealth surveillance just for the sake of surveillance, without probable cause or even reasonable suspicion and without oversight, and
    • Remote control infliction of easy death and destruction from the comfort of your office just because you can.