From Pine View Farm

“Here She Comes, Miss America” 0

But will anyone notice the new incarnation of this hollow, silly, exploitative spectacle which has always tried to pretend it’s about something other than staring at putting girls on display for money, burlesque without the moves*?

Karen Heller reminisces:

Years ago, I was sent to Atlantic City with this novel pitch: “Sooner or later you’re going to have to cover Miss America, so you might as well get it over with.” I went. I saw. I was conquered by the absurdity. I abandoned all neutrality, rooted for the aerodynamically confounding Miss Louisiana, Linnea Marie Fayard – who came in only fourth! – and had such a blast that I was sent back a second time.

Never cover Miss A a second time.

Little has changed since. The press is still asked to call the organization “a scholarship program,” not a pageant. The whatever-it-is must be promoted as “the world’s largest provider of scholarship assistance for young women,” yet most winners ultimately become anchorbots and infomercial chatterboxes. True, there are doctors, lawyers, and Vanessa Williams, the most talented Miss A ever, but the year’s first Miss A, Mallory Hytes Hagan of Brooklyn, 23, claims her ambition is to “obtain a degree in cosmetics and fragrance marketing.” How much scholarship assistance does she need for that?

Back when I was a young ‘un, news stories for the new Miss America in even the most proper paper carried the winner’s measurements. They no longer do so.

Now we wait for the sex tape.


*Afterthought: And without the honesty.


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