From Pine View Farm

Two Different Worlds 0

At Asia Times, Mikhail A Molchanov, a professor of Ukrainian descent at a Canadian university, tries to provide a Russian perspective on the events in Ukraine. Whether or not you find it credible is not the issue; the issue is that there are other ways of interpreting what’s happening there than we are not hearing from our media, whose coverage seems to boil down to “Russia. Bad.”

I urge you to read it.

Here’s a snippet:

By the end of his second term in the office, Putin must have lost all doubt as to the real motivation behind the US championing of “democracy” world-wide – to expand its sphere of influence and prolong its global hegemony while eliminating and weakening potential rivals by all means available, not excluding crude military power. He witnessed, and could not prevent, the unlawful dismemberment of Serbia and the quick recognition that Western powers hastened to grant to the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo.


The fact is, no matter how corrupt or weak Ukraine’s Yanukovych is, he remains the democratically elected president deposed in a revolution which had full support of the West from the beginning.

Our media are not known for analytical brilliance or balance as regards foreign policy. They have obediently sold us wars based on lies from the Mexican War on down; just in my lifetime, they led the cheers for the Viet Namese War, the overthrow of Allende in Chile, the Dominican invasion, the Nicaraguan incursions, and the Crusades of George the Worst, just to mention a few.

Grains of salt are wise additions to the news junkie’s diet.


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