From Pine View Farm

Ghouls 2

It mystifies me, not just as a news junkie, but also as a human being and ex-married person, how anyone could seriously propose that any member of the Clinton family would be in favor of, let alone promote and delight in, reliving the Lewinsky story.

Our public discourse has become a colossus of salacious stupid moderated by the stupidly salacious.



  1. Shaun

    May 8, 2014 at 5:18 pm

    No, I can’t imagine that Bill, Hill or Chel will delight in the Lewinsky story, but Eschaton is correct insofar as timing is concerned. Salaciousness aside, I welcome Monica being able to finally tell her side of the story given that she was run over by Bill and then backed over by Linda (Tripp) back in the day. And she’s a grown-up girl, at least now, in taking full responsibility for being half of what happened.

  2. Frank

    May 8, 2014 at 10:56 pm

    I begrudge Monica nothing. She was sacrificed to the double standard.

    I know more than I wish I knew about affairs. They are never one-way streets, even though it seems that the woman commonly gets ticketed for going the wrong way on those streets. The double-standard is alive and well.

    What irks me is that, once again, the woman, whether wife or lover. is sacrificed to the double-standard by those who exempt the man while excoriating the woman. And a dollar to a doughnut that every one of them is guilt–oh, never mind.

    What baffles me is why anyone would think that the wife who was betrayed (to use the common word) by an affair would consider it fodder for political hay. Anyone who would think like that has lost all touch with common decency. Then, again, “lost all touch with common decency” is a pretty good description of the commentariat, is it not?