February, 2015 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
A permit for youthful politeness:
Harris County Precinct 5 Captain Romeo Chapa tells us they believe the child’s parents have a concealed handgun permit and that the child may have found the gun and accidentally shot himself.
The child didn’t make it.
Just Another Perk 0
Jeez Louise.
“Consensual sexual relationships do not have monetary value and therefore are not reportable as gifts or ‘reportable expenditures made for lobbying,’” the formal advisory opinion says.
If consensual sexual relations “do not have monetary value,” why is prostitution illegal?
Chartering a Course for Disaster 0
The Roanoke Times calls out the Virginia Republican Party for (guess what?) hypocrisy, this time on schools. A snippet:
Or put another way, it would allow Richmond to tell local governments how to run their school systems.
That runs contrary to how conservatives such as Obenshain generally think schools should be operated. Ordinarily, they believe schools should be run locally, with few mandates from Richmond and even fewer, if any, from Washington.
So why the philosophical about-face here? Because it appears to be the only way to accomplish another conservative goal: The creation of more charter schools.
In Republican land, putting public money in private hands outweighs using it for the public good six days a week and twice on Sundays.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Be polite to your neighbors.
The round struck a piece of furniture in the dining area before it was spent, the report said. A few minutes later, Swisher, the victim’s next-door neighbor, knocked on the door and apologized for the incident.
Deadeye was arrested. The story does not indicate whether the charges against him include at least one count of stupid.
“Juvenile daughter.”
I imagine that that’s police-speak for “little girl.”
The stupid. It burns.
Twits on Twitter 0
Once in a while, I toy with the notion of becoming a twit on Twitter, then Twitter convinces me to slowly back away.
Sauce for the Goosed 0
Now, if that remedy could be extended to Wall Street banksters . . . .
Do You Believe in Magic? 0
Jessica Valenti suggests that Republicans think that women are magickal beings with mystical powers beyond masculine understanding.
Methinks she is onto something.
Then, again, mayhaps they are simply sexist nutcases.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Showmanship May Be Artful (Like a Dodger), But It Is Not Art 0
One more time: If you have to install it, it’s a washing machine or a computer operating system or a furnace. It’s not art.
Even if it makes persons go “Gee Whiz,” it’s not art.
Art is not “installed.” Art is.
Barnum was wrong. One is not born every minute.
The birthrate is much higher.
Making an Exceptionalism, Reprise 0
(Link fixed.)
At Asia Times, Alfred W McCoy identifies what he dubs “the real American exceptionalism.” A snippet:
Follow the link to find to what thinker McCoy attributes such arrogation of power. You will be taken aback.