From Pine View Farm

Hat Tip 0

This is big.

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved redefining marriage in the church constitution Tuesday to include a “commitment between two people,” becoming the largest Protestant group to formally recognize gay marriage as Christian and allow same-sex weddings in every congregation.

If you are going to practice a gospel of love, you must recognize love wherever it happens. I tip my hat to the Presbyterians (I do have Presbyterianism in my heritage). Given the hatred exuded by so many who call themselves “Christian” and pretend to practice the Gospel of Love while in actuality fomenting hate, this took some courage.

As I have mentioned before, nothing that ever happened in a same-sex bedroom has ever affected a marriage of mine.

I cannot say the same for other types of bedrooms.


Ambrose Bierce once defined “Presbyterians” as those who believe that the fathers of the church should be referred to as “Presbyters.” One who understands Presbyterianism would understand that he was predestined to do so.


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