Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Will Bunch captures the ultimate betrayal embodied in the massacre in Charleston. Here’s the bit the matters; follow the link for the rest:
Until white America confronts and deals with its racists and their racism, disavows the Gone with the Wind and the land of gracious living myths for the lies that they are, repudiates the genteel racism of those who clutch their pearls, express their horror at the deed, while continuing to perpetuate racism by their own deeds, racist terrorism will continue. As Gunnar Myrdal said in the language of another era (roughly paraphrased),
In the larger picture of American history, Charleston was just another lynching. There may not have been a rope, but it was a lynching nonetheless. Until and unless white folks deal with the problem of whiteness, lynchings will continue.
It’s the American way.