From Pine View Farm

“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night”* 0

I have never visited Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, though I spent a year in Charlottesville a long time ago. Desiree S. Melton, though, was recently there and noticed that something was missing: even a quasi-honest treatment of chattel slavery.

Here’s a bit of her reaction (emphasis added):

Whitewashing our history of slavery is not only dishonest, but it allows for a disconnect between the horrors of slavery and current inequality. If white people cannot accept the awful truth that one of the nation’s cherished founders held people as property, and that slavery was indeed horrific, why would they acknowledge the covert ways in which blacks are still oppressed?

Follow the link.


*If you know the Canon, you know that this post’s title refers to something that didn’t happen.


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