From Pine View Farm

Droning On 2

Say “Hi!” to the eye in the sky.

An Oklahoma prosecutor has filed criminal charges against an alleged hooker and her john after a drone operated by an anti-prostitution activist recorded the pair trysting in the man’s truck.

. . . and you can bet it’s just going to get worse.


If I ever become a Peeping Tom, I think I’ll call myself an “anti-prostitution activist.” It sounds ever so much more civilized.



  1. George Smith

    December 5, 2015 at 4:37 pm

    Since JohnTV and its operator seem to be more in the entertainment business, ala Bad Boys, wouldn’t it be logical to also charge the operator with running an unlicensed porn video operation, employing amateurs in a move to cut costs and avoid all the regulation and expense required to hire professional sex actors?

    Hey, Oklahoma City, fire the vice squad to save money. Outsource it to amateur porn movie-makers who can put it on local cable.

  2. Frank

    December 5, 2015 at 11:33 pm

    Why copter-boy ain’t in the dock for peeping is something beyond my pay grade.

    The sanctimonious sex-obsessed hypocrisy of Bible-thumpers will never cease to amaze me. If you are obsessed with sex, why the hell not just admit it without cloaking it in a coat of Jesus?